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Re: FW: [2ND-GEN:7773] Re: Perry Como

responding to E. Kahn's thoughts about Jewish and Christian religious music...
beautifully said.  I have also had a similar array of experiences and have
reached a similar conclusion.  I'm a part-time High Holiday cantor, Yiddish &
sometimes Hebrew concert singer; while as a classical singer, I sing opera,
oratorio and art song repertoire that ranges from culturally "mainstream" --
that is, implicitly set in a Christian culture -- to explicitly Christian
works.  I was for several years a paid soprano soloist in an Episcopal Church,
where I was very struck by the simple, sincere way our choir -- ranging in age
from 7 or 8 to about 70 -- communicated spiritual ideas that are, I believe,
common to many believers in different theological camps.
On the other hand, some of the Gospel readings were a little hard to take.
And on the other hand, some of the sermons were quite interesting when I put
them through my inner filter (searching behind the strictly Christian ideas)
-- and most of my choir colleagues couldn't have been more bored.
Has anyone else out there have similar experiences?
Happy Chanuka, y'all.
Ilana Kochinska

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