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RE: yiddish music

I don't know of anyone today who publishes violin transcriptions of yiddish 
songs.  There are violin pieces on Jewish and even Hassidic themes by classical 
composers that you can buy:

Kol Nidrei by Max Bruch
Three Pictures of Chassidic Life, by Ernst Bloch (hard, not for beginners)
Various pieces by Joseph Achron

None of these are exactly what you are looking for but they might be helpful.

If you are really in earnest and have the time, you can xerox pieces at YIVO, 
the national Yiddish archive, in New York.  They have an interesting collection 
of pieces for violin and piano, and violin, voice and piano, published in the 
first quarter of this century.  If you decide to take this step, email me and I 
will give you a list of pieces that will make your search easier.

And don't mind Reyzl, she tends to be short-fused occasionally.  Welcome to the 

Yoel Epstein
yoel (at) netvision(dot)net(dot)il

From:   Stephen & Debbie Rosen[SMTP:sjr (at) idirect(dot)com]
Sent:   éåí ùðé 20 éåìé 1998 06:06
To:     World music from a Jewish slant.
Subject:        yiddish music 

I was hoping that somebody might be able to help me locate some material ...
I am trying to find  lyrics for three songs I'm also looking for sheet music
for the violin and CD's that contain these songs ..I wish to purchase them
as a gift for a friend .
thanks for your help
the songs are ....

- ve ahin ikh soil geyn
- vu is du geysele
- chassele waltz

Debbie Rosen
sjr (at) idirect(dot)com


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