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Yiddish music

Hey all,

        We are having an International/Cultural fair here at our college.  I am
doing a booth on "Ashkenazic Europe"  and I am trying to get some Yiddish
music to play at the booth during the fair.
        I ordered a tape called "Shalom, Music of the Jewish People"- and
after listening to it, I realized this is really not what I want.  The
sound quality wasn't that great, and many of the songs had English words in
them (I would like music sung completely in Yiddish.)
        I also have another dilema: the reason I decided to do a booth on
Ashkenazic Europe, is because many people at this school seem to view
this culture as ugly- and they believe many of the sterotypes.  So,
I'm doing my best with this booth to try to show the people here the beauty
of Ashkenazic culture.
        So, does anyone have any recommendations?  I think I might prefer a
collection album, just to get a variety (although, if anyone has a better idea
please let me know!)  I also think it might be best to get music that was
a bit more newly recorded, or sung by younger artists.  But again these
are just guesses.


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