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Der yidisher tam

B"H Kiryas Arba

Ari wrote:


>B"H Kiryas Arba
>>"A hyena-burger just doesn't sound too appetizing..."
>And a wolf-souffle sounds even less appetizing!
>Matter of fact, you should probably have mentioned
>that your version of "der yidisher tam" was a "nechtiger tog."
>Someone might take your Purimspiel seriously!
>Thanks, Wolf. Or is it Lazar?

Let me be really clear. There will be no further personal
insults of this nature on the list. If you have nothing
to express but contempt, take it to private mail, or toss it.

I don't know where this came from, or in what it is in
response to, but it crosses the line.


Hey, Ari, is THIS the line it crosses? Is this a democracy, or what?
What dya say, gang? Should Ari give me an e-lectronic
execution? I would say it looks like stifling of speech, but
I could be wrong. What do YOU say, Wolf? I wrote the "insults"
to you. Pull the plug on me? Itzik-Leib? Rich?

Just look where trying to add a bit of color gets me...

Purim Same'ach! ! !

Typically Snide Alex Jacobowitz

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