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Re: family hanukkah songs: suggestions?

There are several other melodies that are worth mentioning:
1 of my all-time favorites is the Oscar Julius OH  Mizmor Shir Chanukkas (a 
bit difficult for a family but do-able)

The Handel Juddaeus Maccabbeus oratrio has been set to hebrew lyrics.

almost any Hallel lmelody would be appropriate...

Maoz Tsur, and Haneiros Hallalu, Al Hanissim have sevarl diffenrt versions 

Was Mi Yemallel mentioned???

Rich Wolpoe

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Subject: family hanukkah songs: suggestions? 
Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org > at tcpgate
Date:    12/31/97 3:59 PM

My family has a Hanukkah tradition of reading a different Hanukkah story out 
loud each night of Hanukkah and singing songs together. We would like to 
extend our selection of singing material for next year. We have typically 
sung Oh, Hanukkah, Mao Tsur, and I Had a Little Dreidel. We would like more 
choices for next year, and I plan to compile a Hanukkah songbook for home 
use. The kids are getting older (9 and 11), so we don't want really babyish 
songs. I am interested in traditional and contemporary songs in English, 
Hebrew, and/or Yiddish. (The latter two, ideally, with translations.) Any 
recommendations (especially suggestions of personal favorites) will be 

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