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Re: family hanukkah songs: suggestions?

Dear Cantor Levin,

Could you put the words on the list serve as I am sure many of us would like 
to see them.  Thank you.


>> Date:          Wed, 31 Dec 1997 23:31:21 -0500 (EST)
>> Reply-to:      jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>> From:          Sheldon Levin <slevin (at) 
>> mciunix(dot)mciu(dot)k12(dot)pa(dot)us>
>> To:            "World music from a Jewish slant." <jewish-music (at) 
>> shamash(dot)org>
>> Subject:       Re: family hanukkah songs: suggestions?
>> There is a whole series of Chanukah parodies that some families sing 
>> eaach year, send me your fax number and I will send you the words.
>Dear Cantor Levin,
>Although I know I am a bit late, I would apreciate receiving the above.  Todah.
>My fax no. 301-951-3646 or you could send them by email

Live Long and Prosper
Larry Cohan
lcohan (at) kiwi(dot)dep(dot)anl(dot)gov
Hyde Park Career Academy
6220 S. Stony Island
Chicago, IL   60637
312-535-0937 (work)
May the Force Be With You

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