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Re: Klezmer and Yiddish

 Historically, klezmer music has been mostly instrumental with the major
exception being the vocals of the badkhn (the improvisatory wedding bard) as
a neccessary element--many of the musicians were, not coincidentally, also
badkhonim. With the rise of the Yiddish theater in the late 19th century
klezmorim also found themselves accompanying singers of all stripes on the
stage. Listen to the 78s of Yiddish theater singers and see who's
accompanying them. Mostly  "klezmer". 
When I founded Kapelye in 1979 it was with the specific purpose of having an
ensemble which honored all Yiddish music--instrumental AND vocal music. The
deciscion I made for my band now describes what more than 90% of all klezmer
bands around the world do. The term "klezmer music" is of very recent coinage
and as such describes bands which mix instrumental and vocal music.   
And let me assure Mr. Jacobowitz and others who have never attended KlezKamp,
that we are equal parts Klez and Kamp. 

Henry Sapoznik
Kapelye and 

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