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Re: family hanukkah songs: suggestions?

One of my favorites is a CD called "Happy Hanukkah My Friends".  the 
songs are entertaining and well done, this is especially good for kids 
the age you describe.  Paul Zim's Hanukah Party or his Hooray for Hanukah 
also has many wonderful seleections you might enjoy.

If your taste is more classical, Zamir Chorale's LIGHTS CD is 
comprehensive and excellent.

Flory Yagoda's song, Ocho Kandelikas (a Ladino song) is a must.

If you have teenagers, try to find Adam Sandler's Chanukah song, they 
will love it (although it may be a bit baudy for some of us).

There is a whole series of Chanukah parodies that some families sing 
eaach year, send me your fax number and I will send you the words.

For the elementary school age group, this year my kids performed Debbie 
Friedman's musical Miracles Aren't Just Magic.  Everyone (kids and the 
audience) loved the songs especially Not By Might and I Am A Latke.

Finally, Peter Yarrow (of Peter Paul and Mary) wrote Light One Candle 
which has become a wonderful Chanukah anthem.

Chag Urim Sameach,

Cantor Sheldon M. Levin
slevin (at) mciunix(dot)mciu(dot)k12(dot)pa(dot)us

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