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NEEDED: Shirei Shabbat male a cappella singers.

        I have been asked by my booking office in Philadelphia to form a 
vocal group to perform Shabbat songs for Orthodox Jewish parties.  The office
is getting many requests for this kind of thing and they would like to fill
them.   As one is not allowed to play musical instruments on Shabbat, the
arrangements are all a cappella.  I am leading the group, and I need to
audition two more men--a baritone and a bass--with the following criteria:

1)      Solid knowledge of the shirei Shabbat repertoire, ranging from Hebrew to
Yiddish to Ladino.  (If you have new tunes, I would be happy to incorporate
them if they fit.)
2)      Ability to read music and/or an excellent ear for harmonies and
arrangements, as well as a solid voice who can blend in well.  I don't need
virtuosi, just people who can hit it well.
3)      Proximity to the New York City/Philadelphia area to accommodate clients 
that area.
4)      An excellent attitude, stage presence, and a true affection for leading
others in song, as well as performing in public.
5)      Please, no egos!  As I have been asked to lead the group, the remaining
members will be doing mostly harmonies or background, though some solo
opportunities might come up.  In any case, if you have trouble blending in,
vocally or personally, with others, then this is probably not for you.

The pay is better than if you were singing with a band (and thus more of a
challenge)--I will find out exact figures shortly.  It will be closer to
Phila. rates than to NYC rates, as the office's clients have turned to that
office precisely because the NYC-area groups charge an arm and a leg.  Still,
the pay is quite good.

There are some people on this mailing list who may fit the bill, and others
who may know of qualified candidates or other sources, e-mail or otherwise,
from which I could find candidates.  Please, if you fit the above criteria
and/or know someone who does, let me know via PRIVATE e-mail (not publicly on
the list).  I need to get this done soon; the first gig I know of is in June
of this year, with more to follow, but I need to start writing arrangements
and get back to my office about it ASAP.  In short, the sooner the better, and
the more quality the better.

A shainen dank in advance to all who can help, or who can direct me to other
e-mail sources which would be helpful.  Shavua' tov.

-Barak Tulin
ChinseG (at) aol(dot)com

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