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Re: Klezmer music

Roe2000 (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

>I am just beginning to become interested in learning to play klezmer music.
> Does anyone have any suggestions for a good songbook to buy that has klezmer
>music I can play on the violin?  Also, if you could suggest a CD to buy that
>has many of those songs that are listed in the songbook, I'd appreciate that

You can see a list of some of the available klezmer collections by pointing
your browser at the House of Musical Traditions page at
There is a nice selection there, with recommendations for beginners. Unless
you are also a beginning violinist, my personal choice would be Henry
Sapoznik's Compleat Klezmer, which will also give you some background in
the introductory text. There is also a great 2 volume set of transcriptions
of vintage recordings, complete with CDs, by Sy Kushner. These are scored
for accordion, but so what - just read the treble clef.

 More is to be found in the print catalog, free for the asking. There is
also a list of tapes & CDs at
The staff is very helpful and they have a toll-free phone, 800-540-3794. If
you send email, I'll be the one helping you. Exactly which books and CD's
I'd recommend would also depend on what level you're playing at, and what
your previous fiddling background was.

Wendy Morrison - Klezmos
sushiqn (at) cais(dot)com, work:hmtrad (at) hmtrad(dot)com

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