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Re: ATTENTION - The German thing...

> Date sent:      Mon, 23 Jun 1997 08:05:32 -0700
> Send reply to:  jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> From:           Musawwir Spiegel <musman (at) mother(dot)com>
> To:             "World music from a Jewish slant." <jewish-music (at) 
> shamash(dot)org>
> Subject:        Re: ATTENTION - The German thing...

> >A musician friend once told me,  "the difficult thing about playing in
> >Germany is you never know 
> >if the old guy in the back of the audience is the one that killed Grandpa."
> For us Jews to blame current day Germans for what their parents or
> grandparents did more than fifty years ago rests on the same kind logic as
> the Nazis espoused.  I know that if I ever visited Germany or Austria I
> would be haunted by the vibrations of what happened there, but I 
wouldn't > blame German people as a collective matter.  

Many of the Germans who took part in the Holocaust are still alive. 
 We know what there ages are and a first guess at what someone in 
that generation did at those times would suggest your statement is 
too forgiving.  The youth, of course, are not part of that 
generation.  I hope that they reject the principles and actions that 
their parents and grandparents so enthusiastically supported.

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