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Re: Jewish Rock Stars?

On 30 Apr 1996, SueL107122 wrote:

> recently someone in this forum compiled such a list - it was lengthy and
> fairly comprehensive.  I contributed a few names as did lots of others.

yes, Sue, I did. I'm not sure what your message was in response to. But 
let me take this opportunity just to say thanks once again to all who 
contributed to my list. I will gather together all your names, and when I 
get some time I will re-post a new list.

I am also hoping at some point to put them on an interactive Web page 
which will allow for viewers to offer updates and new names to be posted 
to the list.

Also, if anyone knows of other places or forums on the Internet where 
people with such knowledge might be able to contribute, please let me know.


Seth Rogovoy                        
rogovoy (at) berkshire(dot)net
music news, interviews, reviews, et al.

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