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Re: 95 is over, what was the best album(s) of the year?

                BEST ALBUM OF THE YEAR?????
                        GOTTA BE KORN!

In article <4ecmoo$cvc (at) grid(dot)direct(dot)ca>, flxyrhed (at) 
direct(dot)ca (eric thorkelsson) says:
>In article <4ebonr$mod (at) newsbf02(dot)news(dot)aol(dot)com>, commishx (at) 
>aol(dot)com (Commish X) says:
>>Definetely the best albums of the year:
>>Girls Against Boys: Cruise Yourself
>>Don Caballero: II
>>And please, get the Anthrax out of here! What is it, '88?
>>And to the 17 yr old "true-til-death" kidz....i seen you all come and go
>>by the score, just remember it's the music that is important, not the
>I hate to be an asshole but it is the politics that are important. The ideas
>are what have kept the scene alive and thriving, even though the music 
>behind the message constantly changes.
>So you grew up and began listening to more "mature" music...give the kids
>a break! You were there and if you learned anything this should be one of 
>Yes, fuck Anthrax they've got about as much to with this news group as 
>Poison, but I hate to say it- Girls Against Boys aren't very hardcore
>30 and still true till death! Mr. Eric Flexyourhead!

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