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Re: anybody into Korn?

References: <4e3g3r$9bd (at) cmcl2(dot)NYU(dot)EDU> <31066347(dot)1F82 (at) 
<Pine(dot)A32(dot)3(dot)91(dot)960126105213(dot)43034A-100000 (at) 
Organization: SLONET Regional Information Access

Josh Silver (jsilver (at) gate(dot)net) wrote:

: On Wed, 24 Jan 1996, Ben Zell wrote:

: > Stanley C. Rawrysz wrote:
: > > If a band has to use nursery rhymes to come across as hardcore, then
: > > something is wrong.  besides, does everyone know how korn got it's name,
: > > the lead singer (gay, by the way; not that i have anything against gays)
: > > stuck a cob up his ass and viola-a band name.  stop cross posting on the
: > > primus newsgroup, keep your shit everywhere else.  i don't want to read
: > > about vegetation.
: > 
: > That's such a big ol' load of bull.  He isn't gay, and how could you get a 
band name 
: > from sticking a corncob up your ass.  The big mystery is the K in Korn, and 
: > didn't even make up anything about that.
: > -- 
: > 
: Actually Korn is the God of battle and blood in 40k & Warhammer and thats 
: probable where he got the name. 
Sexcuse me.. BUTT!  its Khorne, and he sits on his cosmik throne waiting 
for the next death to occurr...
His legions of blood thursty chaos thugs and hulking metal wish to crush 
all enemies.. esp the Emperor, savior of humanity!
With the might of Sanguinus!
my dinner tonight shall be blood.
either that of my foes fed to my by the next to die,
or my own iccor as it drips down my throat!
Gag on the maggot and coff up a fly!

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