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Re: anybody into Korn?

On 23 Jan 1996, Stanley C. Rawrysz wrote:

> : KORN rules. No hands down.
> If a band has to use nursery rhymes to come across as hardcore, then 
> something is wrong.  besides, does everyone know how korn got it's name, 
> the lead singer (gay, by the way; not that i have anything against gays) 
> stuck a cob up his ass and viola-a band name.  stop cross posting on the 
> primus newsgroup, keep your shit everywhere else.  i don't want to read 
> about vegetation.

Alright, I normally wouldn't cross-post, but you've got your story so 
fucking backwards that it sickens me.  The lead singer is not, to my 
knowledge, gay - they got the name because they saw some guy eating 
another guy's asshole at a party, discovered a kernel of corn, and said 
something about it.  It became a joke amongst the band members, and hence 
the name.  

Also, they're not hardcore - they don't claim to be hardcore, and they 
certainly don't sound hardcore - but that doesn't stop them from being an 
excellent band (IMHO)..


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