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Re: anybody into Korn?

Funny that you would group bands like Live and Silverchair, obvious radio 
rock, shallow than a motherfuck bands with the likes of Korn.  I suppose 
it would be too much to ask that you listen to the album because I know on 
the internet any half ass fuck with a keyboard is automatically a rock 
critic.  But enough uncivility.  If you would, say, happen across the Korn 
album or, God forbid, see them perform (although, my friend, they won't 
be out with Pearl Jam any time soon), you would see 1) They are not really 
about "Shoots and Ladders" (the nursery rhyme song), 2)The song "Shoots 
and Ladders" is about child abuse, 3)It takes a fuckin intense band and 
some TRUE emotion to turn a song full of nursery rhymes into an intense 
headfuck, and 4)Korn's music is about pain and suffering, about emotional 
and sexual abuse.  I suppose, though, college boy, that your self 
proclaimed rock critic ass doesn't really know what it means to suffer, so 
I suppose you can't really relate.  Some of us can, though.  I suppose I 
shouldn't preach to fans of the almighty Phish, though.  My bad.

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