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Re: Noa

I know my sister-in-law bought a copy in Prague (the Czech Republic), where
she lives.  You can try Tower Records at 1-800-ASK TOWER or maybe Tara
Publications (no relation to me) 1-800-TARA-400.  If you don't have any
luck, write back to me and I can get my sister-in-law to find you a copy in

Tara Cazaubon
tarac (at) qualcomm(dot)com

At 5:41 11/9/95, Gregg Hilker wrote:
>I had heard a singer by the name of Noa.  She is a young Yemenite that
>grew up in Brooklyn.  I don't know how to find a CD by her.
>Jennifer Jennings
>Onalaska, WI 54650

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