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Noa is an incredible performer.  Her "American" album (it has a few hebrew
songs too), called "Noa," is available on Geffen Records (GED 24619).  In
Israel, Noa goes by her full name, Achinoam Nini, and has two albums
(unless a third has been released since the summer).  The first is Called
"Achinoam Nini and Gil Dor Live," was released in '91 by NMC (NMC 20009-2).
The second (and IMHO the best of her three discs) is called "Achinoam Nini
Gil Dor," and is Noa's and Gil Dor's setting of poems by Leah Goldberg and
Rachel the poetess.  Gil is her accompanist and her teacher.  This disc,
NMC 20083-2, came out in '92.

Noa is simply the greatest thing in Israeli music in this decade.  Do
whatever it takes to get a hold of these discs.

good luck,

Larry and Alanna Bach
landabach (at) cinternet(dot)net

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