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Re: Davvening Music (very long)


Anyone who has ever spent even a little time with Debbie Friedman has
been told over and over again that it's not about singing-it's about
teaching text. So please do not assume that for all of us it is only the
music that attracts us. We all learn in different ways. For many like
myself, the music is the path to learning the text. When some of Debbie's
(or other contemporary artists') music helps me make a connection, it is
the words that are the connection-the music is just a supporting element.

Why should it matter if I sing about the greatness of G-d to the tune of
a silly German waltz, a 700 year old chant, or a 10 year old popular
tune? Who presumes to speak for G-d as to what G-d wants to hear? [not
intended as a personal attack or flame, I assure you]

durleste (at) plains(dot)NoDak(dot)edu                        Also Available at:
Adrian A. Durlester
Production Manager/TD                   durleste (at) badlands(dot)NoDak(dot)edu
Festival Concert Hall                   Compuserve: 72507,471
North Dakota State University           AOL:AdrianD
PO Box 5691                             USITT/CITT CallBoard:
Fargo, ND 58105                         adurlest (at) acs(dot)ucalgary(dot)ca

PHONE: (701) 231-7308     FAX: 701.231.2085
                           or  701.231.8043

"Lo alecha hamlecha ligmor v'lo ata ben chorin l'hivatel mimena"
"It is not your job to complete the task, neither are you free
 to refrain from beginning it." (Pirkei Avot)

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