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Re: Davvening music

In article <v02110103ab303be69df9 (at) [199(dot)1(dot)48(dot)80]>,
Daniel Walker <walker (at) usit(dot)net> wrote:
>the area. You guessed it, I was stuck through four years of playing
>clarinet while the student body sang some doggrel composed by the school's
>first principal to the tune of 'Deutschland ueber Alles'.

Actually, those words were added in the 20th century. The original
words were "Kaiser Willhelm, lieb Sie ewig...", and the tune is by
Franz Joseph Haydn.  Variations on it form the slow movement of one of
his string quartets (off the top of my head I think it's Op.76 Nr.4).
So I wouldn't worry about anti-Semetic karma rubbing off on you from it!
;-) ;-)

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