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Re: Jewish music and food

In the two excellent books by Liliana Treves Alcalay in Italian (Canti della
Diaspora - Songs from the Diaspora, vols. 1 and 2), here are two songs with
food in the lyrics:


Purim, Purim lanu
Pesach, Pesach a la mano.

Las masas si stan cociendo,
los yaprakis si stan faciendo.

aman aman aman aman aman
el Dio benedicho mos da mazal.

Purim, purim...

La nona stà diciendo a los nietos:
alimpia el polvo cantones y los techos

Aman aman aman aman aman
el Dio benedicho mos da mazal

El senor rubu dijo a las tiyas
no comer el pan ocho dias

Aman aman aman aman aman
el Dio benedicho mos da mazal

Purim, Purim has gone
Pesach, Pesach is almost here.

The matzot are baking
the meat rolls are being made

Aman aman aman aman
Blessed G-d give us good fortune

Purim, Purim...

The grandma tells her grandchildren:
clean the dust from the corners and the roofs

Aman, aman, aman
Blessed G-D give us good fortune

The Rabbi told the aunts
not to eat bread for eight days

Aman aman aman aman
Blessed G-d , give us good fortune



Zuntik bulbes,
montik bulbes,
dinstik un mitvoch bolbes,
donershtik bulbes
ober shabes iun a novine
a bulbe kigele
zuntik vayter bulbes!

Broyt mit bulbes
fleysh miut bulbes
varimes un vetshere bulbes
ober un vider bulbes
ober eynmol in a novine a bulbe kigele
un zuntik vayter bulbes!

Ober bulbes
vider bulbes
ober un vider bulbes
vider un obe bulbes
ober shabes nochn tcholent a bulbe kigele
un zuntik vayter bulbes!

Sunday potatoes,
Monday potatoes
Tuesday and Wednesday potatoes
Thursday and Friday potatoes.
but Saturday, as something new
here's a hugel of potatoes
and Sunday potatoes once again!

Bread with potatoes
meat with potatoes
morning and evening potatoes
always potatoes and more potatoes
and once again the novelty of a potato kugel
and Sunday, one again potatoes!

Always potatoes
More potatoes,
Always and more potatoes
But at last on Shabbes cholent... with potatoes
and on Sunday, at last. potatoes!


PS: "Weird question":
I don't think it's a weird question at all!!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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