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Jewish electronic, on the other hand...

While responding this last time, it suddenly made me remember how much 
I longed to hear some good happy klezmer being set to energetic 
electronic dance beats!  I'd kind of given up on it since I was on a 
mission for it for awhile and didn't turn up anything I liked.  The 
closest thing coming to fun with electronic beats and klezmer was the 
Dolgin mix on Frank London's Klezmer Brass All-Stars CD, but even that 
was a bit too slow and a little cheesy.  If anyone's got any 
recommendations on good, energetic, klezmer-infused dance tracks, 
please let me know (please don't worry about HipHop Khasene or Oi Va 
Voi - I honestly gave them a good try but they just didn't do it for 

If someone would just set Frank London's hyper "Wedding in Crown 
Heights" to a manic Happy Hardcore beat, we'd be in serious business 
here!  ;)


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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