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Re: Ma Yofus - Yoshke

Actually, I first learned it as "Lustig Zein". 

Though I'd be interested in what more authoritative people on this list might 
say, I will offer that the subject of "real" names for older klezmer tunes may 
be dicey, as many (or most?) of these tunes didn't have names in the old 
country. In the recording age, names were often attached to tunes so that they 
could be quickly and easily identified. 

-Andy Rubin
Sacramento, CA
> Hi,
> does anybody know the real name of the piece known as "Ma Yofus" and
> "Yoshke yoshke" ? 
> I think it is actually "Ma yofus".
> Thanks.
> Henri Oppenheim

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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