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Re: Ma Yofus - Yoshke

In a message dated 1/19/2004 1:49:52 AM Central Standard Time, 
borzykowski (at) infomaniak(dot)ch writes:
Tantzt tantzt yidelekh is aka:
Yoshke ma yofus (btw, a ma yofusnik is a klezmer!)
Reb Dovidl's nigun
Der rebbe hot geheyssn freylekh zayn
Let's be cheerful said the rabbi
Jewish melody (also!)
Zhidovska (stupid names!)
Continua bailando - baile nuptial hebreo
Oy piduya shikher vikher (Ukrainian Gypsy name)
Hariklaki mou (Greek name)
Great list!!
Someone once told me it was also a popular French melody at the time....I've 
heard it referred to as the Hava Nagila of its day.

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