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Re: posting replies (was "well I suppose..)

Well put. Surely somewhere in the Talmud it must say that you should pay 
attention when you hit the "Reply" button. ;-)

At 03:36 PM 1/15/2004, you wrote:
>You get two bad choices with mailing lists. The default can be set so that 
>replies go only to the sender. Most discussion is then killed, because 
>unless someone pays special attention, the reply goes only to the person 
>who posted a specific comment. In a large enough community, enough noise 
>gets through so that this isn't such a big issue. In a community where 
>people are almost always mindful, the same is true (but then the question 
>is obviated). Using the current defaults, when people (myself, to my 
>serious embarrassment, included) don't pay attention, private e-mail can 
>go astray.
>Faced with two bad choices, on _this_ list, replies default to the list. 
>It's not a mistake. It is a deliberate choice. There are many ways to 
>better design e-mail clients so that people send messages where they are 
>intended. That is beyond the scope of this list.
>Not everyone chooses scylla over charybdis. My own attitude is that when 
>one is faced with two bad choices, it is time to rethink the question. 
>I've had a new system nearing deployment for a couple of years. In my very 
>copious spare time, it will be available sooner or later and will offer a 
>web option to those who would rather sidestep this (and other) bad choices 
>in terms of participating. I've been working with online community for 
>nearly 20 years now. I may be wrong, but I've had a lot of years to work 
>out how and why I think things work best in given circumstances.
>I heartily agree with everyone who complains that there should be a better 
>way of working things.
>Ari Davidow
>ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
>list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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