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"well, I suppose it's time for our yearly discussion"

...says Lorele, wryly....

> > > For the
> > >perhaps umpti-teeny-weenieth time, the law of
> > >Kol Isha is
>NOT that women should not sing. It´s
> > >about men not listening to it WHEN AND
> > >IF SHE SINGS. Got it?

Does repeating something umpti-teeny-weeny times make it right?

I think most of us who have been disturbed (understatement) by the
heavy-handed applications of kol ishah are in fact quite HAPPY for men
who don't want to listen, and/or feel they ought not to listen, to - not

They can go away.

They can not be around to start with.

They can wear, discretely or ostentatiously, ear-plugs.

They can try listening and see whether it makes them feel lascivious
about the wrong women, and if it doesn't, they can keep listening and if
it does, THEN they can go away.

They can go away and come back and go away again.

Men have LOTS of choices if a woman is singing. 
In fact, we're happy to give men all these choices.
If they can handle them.

So, Alex, if we repeat this umpti-teeny-weeny times, will you accept it? 


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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