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Re: "well, I suppose it's time for our yearly discussion"

B"H Munich

> Does repeating something umpti-teeny-weeny times
> make it right?
No. Neither is it made left. Apparently.
> I think most of us who have been disturbed
> (understatement) by the
> heavy-handed applications of kol ishah are in fact
> quite HAPPY for men
> who don't want to listen, and/or feel they ought not
> to listen, to - not
> listen.
Well, to be quite honest, this issue isn´t made
clearer by disturbed people. Musicians have a vested
interest in the expansion of musical venues,
activities, creations, so it simply isn´t in
their interest to curb their own clarinets.
Or, if you rather, veto their own voices.

Rabbis have a vested interest in increasing the study
and adherence to Judaism. When and if these energies
converge and/or conflict, there needs to be a
settlement, a modus vivendi. And the rabbis have
decision-making authority for their communities.

Clear so far?

So what does a butcher, a baker, or a candlestick
maker do when his or her business interests stand
in the way of the Moral Law? Why, they complain.
So was it ever, and so will it remain. Don´t you
> They can go away.
> They can not be around to start with.
> They can wear, discretely or ostentatiously,
> ear-plugs.
> They can try listening and see whether it makes them
> feel lascivious about the wrong women, and if it
doesn't, they can keep listening and if
> it does, THEN they can go away.
> They can go away and come back and go away again.

> Men have LOTS of choices if a woman is singing. 
Which is as it should be. Don´t you agree?

> In fact, we're happy to give men all these choices.
They´re not yours to give.

> If they can handle them.
And even if they can´t. Democracy states that the
women can sing and the men can leave. Isn´t that
simple? Would you staple the men (or more likely
their wallets) in place? MUST I listen to
a singer BECAUSE she´s a woman?
> So, Alex, if we repeat this umpti-teeny-weeny times,
> will you accept it? 

Do you mean I have to listen to minimalists TOO?
> Judith

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