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Re: "well, I suppose it's time for our yearly discussion"

Is this the point where I encourage everyone who stands (or sits) exactly 
where he or she stood (or sat) the last time this argument happened to hold 
off for a couple of days to see if there are new thoughts from people who 
have never posted? If no new thoughts or voices, then perhaps we don't need 
to move into the namecalling phase this year.

Choosing phrasing like "this issue isn't made clearer by disturbed people" 
would be a prime candidate for excision early on, Alex. Encouraging what 
passes for lashon ha'ra by presupposing a negative mental state of those 
who disagree with the world as you present it, is not a promising way to 
continue, nor does it speak for there being much of substance to be said. 
If you disagree, please disagree via private e-mail.

If anyone feels a need to protest the tone of any of the posts by anyone 
discoursing so far, personal comments are best taken to private e-mail, as 
well. Sharing them with 500 or so of your best friends is not necessarily a 
good thing.


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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