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Re: Yiddish poetry

Have a listen to The Well with Chava Alberstein and my beloved Klezmatics.
Especially for her rendition of Mayn Shvester Khaye.  She also has done a
film on the Yiddish poets of Israel and set their songs to music.

Sylvia Schildt
Baltimore, Maryland

on 1/7/04 7:10 PM, Sylvie Braitman at curlySylvie (at) hotmail(dot)com wrote:

I have been asked to gather songs written on Yiddish poetry. Apart from
Sutzkever that I researched last fall, and apart from Lazar Weiner's work,
I realize that most of the Yiddish Art songs I perform have lyrics from
lithurgical or folk origins. Any idea?

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