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Re: Yiddish poetry

You might check out the poetry of Eliezer Schindler (z"l), set to music by 
Yehoshua Vitter.

Eliszer is the father of Alex Schindler who heads the Reform movement--he was 
an expert on Chassidut and a published poet in "the old country". Coming to 
America, he realized that the market was no longer there. He simply 
distributed his book to every public library he could think of, all over the 
western hemisphere!

Vitter's setting are not always in easy keys and no chords are given (but you 
can always transpose and set to your own chords). I have English translations 
of a lot of this stuff if there is interest, The Yiddish vocabulary is fairly 
simple and accessible and the poetry is lovely.

On Thursday 08 January 2004 01:10, Sylvie Braitman wrote:
> I have been asked to gather songs written on Yiddish poetry. Apart from
> Sutzkever that I researched last fall, and apart from Lazar Weiner's work, 
> I realize that most of the Yiddish Art songs I perform have lyrics from
> lithurgical or folk origins. Any idea? Thanks,
> Sylvie

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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