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Re: Yiddish poetry

Do you know Jascha Nemtsovs CD´s, especially >On Wings of Jewish Songs< and 
>The New Jewish School: St.Petersburg - Moscow - Berlin - Vienna (Double-CD)<? 
Unfortunately the singer doesn´t know yiddish very well, but have a look at
Jascha Nemtsov, pianist, is researching about the New Jewish School (St. 
Peterburg, Moscow and so on), you might also mean such art music compositions 
(from Solomon Rosowsky, Pesach Lvov, Moshe Milner, Michail Gnessin, Joseph 
Achron; texts for example from Itsik Fefer). They more set music to Hebrew 
Texts, but also to Yiddish ones.
You can contact him, he is very friendly but not in this list? I´m sure he 
knows more than those few published songs (and he will know someone who 

Happy Listening,

Janina Wurbs

 On Thursday 08 January 2004 01:10, Sylvie Braitman wrote:
 > I have been asked to gather songs written on Yiddish poetry. Apart from
 > Sutzkever that I researched last fall, and apart from Lazar Weiner's work,
 > I realize that most of the Yiddish Art songs I perform have lyrics from
 > lithurgical or folk origins. Any idea? Thanks,
 > Sylvie

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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