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Chana Mlotek's column in the Yiddish Forward

I hope I have my facts straight on this.

I just got a call from my neighbor and friend Irene Steiner, who has
composed a number of art music settings for some of the Gebirtig poems
that were not (previously) set to music. 

She got a note from Chana Mlotek, who she had sent a recording of her music
to, and apparently she wrote up Irene's music in this past Friday's 
Yiddish Forward.

I hope eventually there will be more heard of Irene's music.  Tho I'm
not personally a big classical art music guy, when she sang these at our
house recently it was clear what talent she had brought to the project.

Anyway, I'm off to find a copy (how convenient, I happen to be going to
33rd St tonight anyway) and see if I can find someoen to read it to us!


r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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