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Re: Musical synagogues - Hebrew Tabernacle in NYC

You'd have to put the  Hebrew Tabernacle Congregation on that list, 
in Washington Heights NY.  It's not musical in that BJ participatory way,
but rather it is a classical German Reform congregation with strong
and distinct musical traditions.  

When you go to services there, you are "audience", and the cantor, choir,
and organist are performers.  It's different if you are used to either
traditional or a modern liberal approach.

Very recently their old Cantor retired and their old Rabbi died.
They now have a new cantor, Rebecca Fletcher.  This does not change
the content - the music they use is the music they use, and any cantor they
have needs to use it. 

This is a time of change for them, they have merged thier space with 
The People's Temple, which has its own style.

Here is a link to the various minhag they use on different days.  It's
diverse, and I don't think there are too many places you can still hear
the Classic Central European Reform style.

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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