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Musical synagogues


I'd love to hear your responses to the following question:  what are some of 
the synagogues you would recommend visiting for the musicality of their 
services? By this I mean synagogues where music - in whatever shape or form - 
plays a seminal role in the services or is simply unusually beautiful (either 
because of a cantor, special melodies, etc). I'm listing some of the synagogues 
I know of in New York below - I'd love to hear about more!  

 I was thinking about this question during some of the services I got a chance 
to attend at Bnai Jeshurun during the High Holidays - music is so organically 
and beautifully interweaved into the services there. And for many, it seems to 
be the music - chazzan's soulful chanting, community singing (and in the case 
of BJ, live instruments) that seems to really reach that often-buried spiritual 
string in all of us. 

So here's my list - looking forward to your additions!

1)  Bnai Jeshurun (NYC, Upper West Side -
2)  Fifth Avenue Synagogue (NYC, Upper East Side -
3)  Shlomo Carlebach Shul (NYC, Upper West Side,


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