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RE: Musical synagogues

Here in Jerusalem, another great minyan to add to the list is the new "Shira
Khadasha" minyan on Emek Refaim.  It's a new one (less than 3 years old) but
the biggest minyan I've ever seen here.  It attracts hundreds of young
people, who know Hebrew very well, who have beautiful voices, and who love
to sing!  There is a different person leading each week.  It is Modern
Orthodox but women ALWAYS lead kabbalat Shabbat, men do ma'ariv, women
always do psukei d'zimrah, women and men do the tora service (both men and
women lead hakafot on Simchat Tora on different sides of the mekhitza), men
lead musaf.  Some of the melodies are Carlebach, some traditional while
others I couldn't place, but very beautiful.  

Galeet Dardashti

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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