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RE: masinke postscript

The pattern you describe of successively enlarging the circle is actually
the ONLY pattern I've ever seen, at any of the traditional weddings I've
attended.  Whether or not that is THE tradition, it is clear that this
pattern has already evolved into a mainstream practice.

Marsha Bryan Edelman

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
[mailto:owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org]On Behalf Of
klezmer (at) yiddishmusic(dot)com
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 1:11 PM
To: World music from a Jewish slant
Subject: masinke postscript

Last August I sent a request about whether it was kosher to honor a father
the way one does the mother when doing the "mazinke" circle.

Many people responded on and off-list - thank you! - it was helpful.

I thought what finally transpired was humorous & that I'd share it with you.

The woman who led the mazinke circle was Orthodox and, I assumed, had been
clued in to my list-informed answer to the kale that it was OK to honor the
dad.  Well she did, and then invited, respectively, the siblings, extended
family, and friends, into the circle!

I guess that's an example of how Jewish customs evolve...


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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