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Re: Taraf de Haidouks CD

Dear Sandra and listers,

Thanks for correcting my typographical error [numai]... Oy! sticky fingers!
The CD 'Band of Gipsies' by Taraf de Haidouks, 200, is distributed (in
Europe!) by Crammed Discs, Brussels, Belgium under number 'Craw 24'.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Sandra Layman
  To: World music from a Jewish slant
  Sent: Friday, September 19, 2003 8:30 PM
  Subject: Re: Taraf de Haidouks' Doru meu e mumai dor'

  Dear Michel,

  I don't believe I have this particular disc, or else I might be able to
  you a bit more. What is the CD label and number?

  BTW, there is a small typographical error. The title is presumably 'Doru
  e numai dor' -- "numai" ["only"], not "mumai". Maybe you can find some
  information via a web search. The title means something like "My longing
  [or: yearning, sorrow, melancholy, etc.] is only longing."


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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