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an apology (was Re: Klez Kanada)

Back on Mon, 25 Aug 2003 r l reid (that's me) wrote:

> To be insulted over and over again by the Dolgin child (no, I'm not jealous! 
> Mamash!  Why would I want to be (20?) and brilliant?) - 

in the middle of a stream of conciousness patter to convey the whole KK 
experience.  However, there's a big problem with the above statement.

Josh is hardly a child and while he certainly made a few comments to me that
I was quite ready to interpret as insulting (a line of questioning over the
smoking jacket I wore Friday night comes to mind), the "insults" are my own
invention.  I was being a little defensive and very unfair in interpreting 
them in the worst possible light.

My comment was meant to be mildly amusing but in fact it is - well, insulting.
Go figure.  I retract the comment and apologize for it.  And in fact, I'm
not jealous - I so love where I'm at with my own music I envy no one.

May Josh continue to flourish and delight the us with his many talents.

roger reid

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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