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Re: mazinke

At 01:47 PM 8/28/03, mashke (at) comcast(dot)net wrote:
>And should I stop calling a "Gasn Nign" (street song) a "Gasn Nign"

Good point, but my reactionary reaction was less to the title of the 
song/dance and more to the meaning of verses that are sung; it's a question 
of Yiddish literacy rather than "tradition".   I understand that it's a 
moot point these days when performing the dance without the vocals, or in 
light of the fact that the Yiddish is little understood.  All I'm saying is 
that if you wouldn't sing "Happy Anniversary" in English to a Bat Mitzvah 
girl, you shouldn't sing incongruous Yiddish lyrics either.

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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