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Re: mazinke

As I said, I'm inclusive. In the old days the parents were 'being freed of the 
burden' of marrying off their children and so the last was special. I feel that 
being the parents of a child that is being married is an honor and should be 
treated as such, be it the first, middle, last, 2 children in one wedding, 
etc., etc.

I think that's the best way, to respect, honor and understand the tradition and 
the reason for it, while interpreting it in light of today's mores where most 
parents would not think that the oldest daughter has to be married first, etc.

Dick Rosenberg
> >I don't necessarily restrict it to mother and father - we played a Bar
> >Mitzvah recently where the parents of the Bar Mitzvah boy were Alice and
> >Margaret).
> Ah, but more important, was their last child being married (otherwise 100% 
> in agreement)? :-).
> ari
> Ari Davidow
> ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
> list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org

the klezmer shack: 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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