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Re: Musicians - how useful is Alexander Technique? Feldenkrais?

Would someone be kind enough to explain alexander and feldenkrais to the 


George Robinson wrote:

> I've done Alexander technique, but I'm not an instrumentalist so I'm 
> not sure how useful my experience would be. I found it enormously 
> helpful in several ways (not the least of them being that it brought 
> my height from 5-7-1/4 to 5-8). I'm considering acupuncture for my 
> neck, hand and arm pain, all of which is computer related. I'd like to 
> hear more, although this is rather OT, isn't it.
> George (no, I'm 5-8) Robinson
> Alas, where is human nature so
> weak as in a bookstore?
>   -Henry Ward Beecher
>     ----- Original Message -----
>     From: MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com <mailto:MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com>
>     To: World music from a Jewish slant <mailto:jewish-music (at) 
> shamash(dot)org>
>     Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 7:00 PM
>     Subject: Re: Musicians - how useful is Alexander Technique?
>     Feldenkrais?
>     In a message dated 6/16/2003 5:58:13 PM Central Daylight Time,
>     goobietheg (at) hotmail(dot)com <mailto:goobietheg (at) hotmail(dot)com> 
> writes:
>>     Also accupuncture and what is called sacro crainal massage.  Both
>>     of these are useful. Especially someone who has dealt with sports
>>     injuries, because musician injuries can have similar symptomology
>>     as sports injuries, because of repetive motion. 
>     I agree. I had very good experiences with acupuncture in the neck
>     for shoulder pain/carpal tunnel.  (Oy!  So vot can I kvetch about
>     now?!)
>     Lori @ MAX 

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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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