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Middle Eastern Roots of Klezmer?

Hello, all!

I received this question from a young (16-year-old) klezmer drummer.  I would 
be curious as to how you (plural--"you-all") would direct him.

As I understand, he is trying to figure out if he can do a presentation on 
klezmer when the topic is Middle Eastern music.  The first thing that comes 
to my mind is tying in the Turkish influence, but I would be curious if 
anyone else has a better answer.

Lori @ MAX

Ian writes:

       The question I'm asking you is, what general things can I present 
about klezmer   music that would be related to the middle east, in other 
words, how can I talk   about klezmer music without it being a lesson about 
its european roots? There is    also, I believe, the option of modern klezmer 
music, or what it has evolved to be,    in Israel and elsewhere today.

       Also, if you have an extra minute, do you have any resources, just off 
the top of      your head, that would be helpful for me?

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