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Re: How Could Szpilman Stay in Poland?

B"H Munich

While on my daily jog yesterday, a semi-awful
thought occured to me from reading yesterday´s
post about Szpilman´s career - that he gave up
recording (for Polish Radio?) in 1968. My mind was
working and reworking that information. I did
a bit of math while panting around the park.

Lesee - Szpilman was born in 1912, right? That
would make him 56 or so, hm?  Now, why would
a professional musician like Szpilman, theoretically
at the height of his musical powers, suddenly
abandon what must have been an important outlet
of his abilities?

Then I remembered that 1968 was the year the
Polish government purged Jews from their
positions of power. Coincidence in Szpilman´s
case? Or was there perhaps something more
sinister that hasn´t yet been uncovered? Szpilman´s
name would have automatically been recognized
by Poles as being "non-Polish", i.e., Jewish. 

Any thoughts?

Alex Jacobowitz

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