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Re: cleaning up e-mail - keep styled text off the list, please

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On 05/03/2003 at 12:27 Ari Davidow wrote:

>The readability of e-mail messages to those list participants who are not
checking their e-mail clients to make sure that they are sending plain text
to the list, continues to decline.
>=If= it is important to you that your e-mail to the list be read, please
follow the instructions below, for your e-mail program. I copied them from 
>(I say "if" because of the vast number of messages that include paragraphs
and paragraphs of citation, all to deliver a few words. To those folks, it
clearly hasn't sunk in that most people aren't going to scroll through all
of that extraneous stuff, and with that little thought, it may not be fair
to characterize such e-mails as having been sent for the purpose of being
read, or otherwise communicating. Not that I am having a bad e-mail day or
anything. Not that this behavior annoys me, not at all ;-).)


Thanks Ari, let's hope people will start paying attention. It really must
be murder for folks getting the list in digest form - I'd go nuts! At least
I don't see it here (which also means I don't see some folks' posts at
all), but I still have to download all the extra "baggage" on my slow
dial-up connection.

With all the info you provided, there's really no excuse left now. :)

(Renaissance Man)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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