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Re: How Could Szpilman Stay in Poland?

Oy vey, I'm now guilty of sending a personal email to the list that should 
have remained private!  Actually the opinions of the two "Alexs" on the 
question of Szpilman really got my attention as this topic has concerned me 
for years and years (yeah, me and millions of other people), and I really am 
sorry about all the emotion and anger that keeps rising up over it.  There 
are of course no satisfying answers  to this subject and to say one 
nationality is more guilty than another resolves very little when it comes to 
personal responsibility across the boards that manifests in times of tyranny. 
 I apologize to both Alexs for also being so simplistic as to try to see a 
quick-fix summation of the the intractable problem of holocaust guilt 
vis-a-vis nations.  The shades of gray are apparent to me, living in a 
neighborhood in Queens, New York.  Truly, it's not difficult to sense the 
depths of sorrow, anger, hurt, all from a time not so long ago.  If music 
could only remain pure and removed from all that stark reality.   Again, 
sorry for the impropriety.   Michael

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