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Re: Recording of Simkha music?

on 3/5/03 7:27 AM, RevPatM (at) aol(dot)com at RevPatM (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> My absolute favorite is the Neshoma Orchestra Mazel Tov. I listen to this for
> hours unend. There is both chuppah music with an incredible version of Yedid
> Nefesh. 
> The dance music are medleys some of which lasts as long 15 minutes. I must
> admit that when I am in one of my moods listening to the dance music can take
> the pressure off for me. Another cd is Neshoma @Your Simcha. and Neshama
> Yeseirah.
I am pleased to point out that I am playing trumpet on two out of the three
CD's mentioned here. (Neshoma Yesairah and Mazel Tov0
Needless to say, you have impeccable taste.

Jordan Hirsch

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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