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Re: Recording of Simkha music?

My absolute favorite is the Neshoma Orchestra Mazel Tov. I listen to this for 
hours unend. There is both chuppah music with an incredible version of Yedid 
The dance music are medleys some of which lasts as long 15 minutes. I must 
admit that when I am in one of my moods listening to the dance music can take 
the pressure off for me. Another cd is Neshoma @Your Simcha. and Neshama 

There is also the Neginah Orchestra. They have a number of dance cds. 
They also have 3 cds called Chuppah Songs. My favorite is Chuppah 1 has the following 2 cds at a fantastic price.
Neginah Orchestra
Neginah Orchestra Plays A Chassidic Wedding Vol 1 and Vol 2

These contain both dance and chuppah songs. The version of Bilvavi on Volume 
1 and the version of Lev Tahor on Vol 2 are incredible. 

Also there is there big dance CD Tantz Mit Neginah. 

These cds can easily be found on Hatikva, Tara and Mostly Music. 


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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