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Re: Recording of Simkha music?

I don't know if it's by the same group or not, but I just poked around on the 
net and found something called "Jewish Super Party" that's pretty awful. Very 
synthesized and the 3 clips I listened to were all at exactly the same tempo, 
which I think is typical for music that's designed to be played by a DJ.

Down with bad music.

Dick Rosenberg
> "The Complete Jewish Party Vol 1 by David & The Hish Spirits"
> A few years ago, an artist brought in a new Cd of "Simcha Music", I put it on 
> while he was here and thought this has got to be one of the worst recrdings I 
> have ever heard. 
> There were 2 shoppers in the store at the time and both went crazy for the 
> recording. Since the artist lives in Los Angeles, I "had" to pick up a few 
> pieces. I thought I might sell 15 5o 20 CDs in a year and that would be it. 
> To my shock, this turned out to be the biggest seller of "Wedding-Bar Mitzva" 
> recording I have ever carried...and I have tried them all. I stopped counting 
> units sold after it hit 3,000; to date, we have sold over 7,000 units of Vol 
> 1 and there are now 4 volumes in this series.
> The reason  this Cd is so popular, is that it contains a bit of everything, 
> and it is extremely peppy. Is it high art, not at all. The artrist even uses 
> synthsizers on some of the cuts along with orchestration, but ther 
> arrangements are pure party music and totally for dancing. We get many 
> requests for "happy Jewish Music" for a weddings or Bar Mitzvahs, and when 
> the client has no familiarity with Jewish music this is the best generic 
> recording available. 
> This recording was used in a weeding scene in the Barbra Steisand movie "The 
> Mirror Cracked".to view this recoring--there is an instructional video as 
> well, visit our site at:
> By the way, there is a woman singing on this CD...that shouldn't bother 
> anybody, should it?
> Simon
> Hatikvah Music
> 323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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