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Re: Recording of Simkha music?

In a message dated 3/5/3 1:20:31 PM, mashke (at) attbi(dot)com writes:

<< I don't know if it's by the same group or not, but I just poked around on 
net and found something called "Jewish Super Party" that's pretty awful. Very 
synthesized and the 3 clips I listened to were all at exactly the same tempo, 
which I think is typical for music that's designed to be played by a DJ.

No, that's not the one...but I do agree with you about the Super Party CD. By 
the way, the other one does grow on you...and I now have no problem with 
it...except when it gets to  "Pata Pata" and "The Chicken 
Dance"....evidently, it's a kosher chiken!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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