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Mann, oh man/Alex Fedoriouk

I'm glad to hear mention of this album.  I've always loved Herbie Mann 
and was excited when Alex told me he had just recorded it with Mann, as 
we were just going into the studio to record my peysakh CD.  Alex is an 
amazing musician (you can read a short bio on my CD Baby website) and 
plays not only tsimbl, but also piano with such wonderful attack and 
tone, as well as percussion.  He's also very intense while hiliariously 
funny at the same time.  Our recording sessions had some very amusing 
moments.  He is a member of the group Harmonia, as is my accordionist 
Walt "Vlado" Mahovlich.  If you haven't heard them, please do check them 
out.  Alex has his own album out, Cimbalom Traditions, on his own label, 
featuring the Harmonia guys.


SyKushner (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

>In a message dated 3/3/03 11:02:41 PM, BrittGood (at) aol(dot)com writes:
><< Chaverim,
>pardon my enthusiasm, but ...
>I'm in love with a new CD and I just had to share it with the list.
>It's Herbie Mann's "Eastern European Roots". Yes, it's the same
>jazz flute I've loved since I first heard it as a teenager, but there
>is something more, a soulfulness. Mann explains in his liner
>notes that a brush with death made him re-examine his musical
>life, and he realized he had explored many other types of music but not his 
>Jewish musical roots -- his mother is from Bucovina, Romania.
>When he recovered, he traveled to Eastern Europe and this CD is the result.
>He's joined by other exemplary musicians, most notably Gil Goldstein on
>accordion (sounds to me like a chromatic button accordion) played
>with a moody musette sound. And Alexander Fedoriouk on cymbalom, my
>current instrument of choice. His style ranges from a dark, old time klezmer-
>sound to a jazzy gypsy swing (a la Kalman Balogh).
>However you classify this album (jazz, klezmer), I'm sure many list
>members will also enjoy it.
>(Nefesh Klezmer Band)
>-Gil plays a piano accordion(I believe its a Victoria). 
>For the occasion of his 70th birthday Herbie Mann and his group played the 
>Blue Note Jazz Club in NYC for a week. A year later he was back again, both 
>times accompanied by Alexandre Fedoriouk on Cimbalom. Alexandre, I am proud 
>to say, is the cimbalom player on my Klezsqueeze CD also featuring Marty 
>Confurius on bass and Ken Maltz of Kapelye on two tracks as well as Yours 
>Truly on accordion.
>Sy Kushner
>The Klezmer Fake Books Volumes 1 and 2
>Klezsqueeze/ The Sy Kushner Jewish Music Ensemble

You can now hear Lori's new CD, Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me; Vol.1: 
Passover, at: Only $15 & postage. Email me for 
more info.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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